Published by pages on 21 Feb 2016 at 04:47 pm
Royal sall of LA MADELEINE church in PARIS - guest of honour on Art Fair 2016
In “Salles Royales” of Madeleine church in Paris,
Guest of honour of the 41st Art Fair named “du 10 au 15″, organised with the help of the city of Paris.
From 12th of 24th april 2016.
L’exibition is open every day from the du 10th until the au 24th april 2016 from 10h30 to19h sunday included.
Opening cocktail ay tuesdy 14 april from 18h with the presence of artistes and personalitys of the city of Paris 8th.
Pressarticle in UNIVERS des ARTS mars-avril 2016
Tags: madeleine church Paris